Are You Open ?

Over the past few years following the reopening of the world after the lockdowns we have faced an inevitable plethora of changes.

This has generated many questions to ponder about:

  • How we work
  • How we communicate

Many of us are still figuring out how we adapt to the world that is changing all around us.

Starting or approaching those changes with an open mind will serve us greatly.

Being open will not necessarily mean blanket acceptance of everything presented to us, but taking what is applicable to ourselves, our business, our community, and pivoting things so that we can apply them.

Being open to how our own niche may be changing, and how we can become part of the transformation  and make an impact.

Being open means looking at our own growth of self and business and how we can become an effective part of our emerging world; become part of a bigger picture.

Being open means gaining new knowledge and skills, thereby better equipped to participate and contribute to the new growth in our community and our economy.

Being open means an awareness of how we improve communication and become more effective.

What is the one thing you could do to fully participate in this new ‘open’ world?